Recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience

TheRecovery Plan, transformation and Resilience, Spain Can, is the key instrument for development of european funds in recoveryNext GenerationEUand this is the most important momentum of the recent economic history of Spain. The Plan focuses on the first phase of implementation and detailed investments and reforms in the period 2021-2023, mobilizing nearly 70,000 million euros for transfersMechanism for the recovery and resiliencein order to boost the recovery and achieve maximum impact contra-cíclico.

The recovery Plan outlines the road map for the modernization of the spanish economy, the recovery of economic growth and job creation, following the crisis in COVID-19, as well as to prepare the country for the challenges ahead.

DownloadRecovery Plan, transformation and Resilience [PDF]

Statement of fight against fraud [PDF] [444 KB]

Anti-fraud Plan of action of the ministry of industry, commerce and tourism [PDF] [4.5 MB]

Order ICT/654/2022, of 10 july, creates the Anti-Fraud Committee of the ministry of industry, commerce and tourism and identifies its composition and functions (BOE 14/7/2022)

Code Of Ethics and conduct of the ministry of industry, commerce and tourism

More information on theRecovery Plan, transformation and Resilience, including information on the LOSS, convocatorias, timing, etc.

Industry and Smes

Strategic grants to projects for industrial transition pharmaceutical and health products, under the LOSS of HEALTH in the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience in the year 2022

It publishes the extract of the order of 6 may 2002, which made the convening of granting aid to strategic projects for industrial transition pharmaceutical and health products, under the HUGE LOSS TO THE health of the year 2022 VANGUARIA. (BOE 07/05/2022)

More informationPortal aid from the Ministry of industry, commerce and tourism.

Grants to support Innovative Business Groupings

It publishes the extract from theOrder of 9 October, which provides grants to support Innovative Business Groupings for the year 2021, within the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience, which has to Innovative business groupings registered regulated by order EIT/1444/2014, of 30 july, and members of the same.

More informationPortal ministry subsidies.

Aid to industrial projects of research, development and innovation in the area of the manufacturing industry

It publishes the extract from theOrder of 11 augustfrom 2021 to place the convening of granting aid to innovation plans and sustainability in the area of the manufacturing industry in the year 2021.

More informationPortal ministry subsidies.

Aid to the initiative industry Connected 4.0/ACTIVE Financing

It publishes the extract from theOrder of 31 julyfrom 2021 to place the convening of grant aid to research projects, development and innovation in the area of industry Connected 4.0. (ACTIVE _ Financing) in the year 2021.

More informationPortal ministry subsidies.


Aid to sustainable markets

Support for the support of commercial activity in rural areas

Support for the strengthening of the commercial activity in tourist areas

Aid to support urban markets, trade, trade and not short of marketing channels

It publishes the extract from theOrder ICT/1096/2021 ministry of industry, commerce and tourism of 01/10/21, which conducts types of aid for the strengthening of the Spanish official trade abroad and federations of chambers by 2021.

Further information on the procedure in theHeadquarters of the ministry of industry, commerce and tourism

It publishes the extract from theOrder ICT/1096/2021 ministry of industry, commerce and tourism of 01/10/21, which conducts types of aid for the strengthening of the Spanish official trade abroad and federations of chambers by 2021.

Further information on the procedure in theHeadquarters of the ministry of industry, commerce and tourism

Support for the strengthening of the communication systems and telematic services in associations and federations of exporters in 2021

Support for the strengthening of the communication systems and telematic services in associations and federations of exporters in 2021

Support for the opening of markets

Order ICT/1116/2021, of 7 octoberestablishing the bases governing helplines for the opening of markets and convening role in the year 2021.

Access to the request for help concerning the Geographical Indications Line, whose aim is to address the legal consulting and assistance to advance the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights of foodstuffs (protected designations of origin and Protected Geographical Indications) when they be usurped in third markets in which the European union has signed agreements for the protection of geographical indications.

Access to the request for help line Exportersthe purpose of this aid is to promote and facilitate the access of products and spanish companies to third-country markets, financing the costs associated with the following actions

  • Inspection visits and official audits carried out by the authorities of third countries in order to achieve the recognition and equivalence of establishments in the spanish operators are subject to the sanitary or phytosanitary.
  • Mandatory certifications required of spanish products on the implementation of the requirements of import or marketing adopted by third countries.
  • Consulting and legal advocacy related to the defence of the commercial interests in the export sector, which limit their export capacity, which could include those related to the procedures.

Innovates Invest programme

Order ICT/1292/2021, 15 novemberestablishing the regulatory basis for the grant-making Programme "Innovates Invest" of ICEX Spain export and investment, E.P.E., and convening role in the year 2021, within the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.


Plan de Formación en Competencias Digitales para el Sector Turístico

En Conferencia Sectorial de 29 de diciembre de 2023 se aprueba el Plan de Formación en Competencias Digitales para el Sector Turístico, en el marco del Componente 19 del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia.

Según el acuerdo, cada Comunidad Autónoma elaborará un Programa de Formación en Competencias Digitales para el Turismo y será la responsable de la ejecución y justificación.  Los destinatarios finales del programa para la transformación digital del sector turístico son las pymes y los trabajadores y jóvenes del sector turístico.

Plan de Formación en Competencias Digitales para el Sector Turístico [PDF] [444.14 kB]
Programa de mejora de la competitividad y de dinamización del Patrimonio Histórico con uso turístico
Acceso a toda la información sobre el Programa de mejora de la competitividad y de dinamización del Patrimonio Histórico con uso turístico

Sustainability plans tourism

The sectoral conference on tourism has adopted, at its meeting on 21 december 2021, 169 projects beneficiaries of the I call extraordinary session of the programme of Tourist Destinations in Sustainability, which is financed entirely from recovery Next Generation Us.

Selected plans, 153 be managed by local entities and 16 are cohesion actions to develop the autonomous communities, but also in creating destinations. These actions add an investment of 615 million euros.

The agreement of the sectoral conference has been posted on theBOE 29 december 2021.

The special programme plans tourism Sustainability for this 2021 with a budget of 660 million, that is completed with the reserved 45 million to the plans we have as an identifier actions relating to the national priority of this year the paths of Santiago and which is contained inRD 1073/2021 of 7 december.

The procedure for submitting projects and selection of beneficiaries of this programme special sustainability Plans follow the foundations laid in the strategy of Sostenibilidad Turística, adopted unanimously at the sectoral conference on tourism of 28 july 2021.

Sustainability strategy in Tourist Destinations [PDF] [6.24 MB]

Experiences Tourism Spain

made access to all information on theconvening of Experiences Tourism Spain

Digitization of plans and destinations

Aid to the generation of scientific knowledge applied tourism

Order ICT/1521/2021, of 30 december,by approving the regulatory basis for the programme of aid to research bodies and knowledge diffusion for r & D projects to respond to the challenges of tourist destinations, and approves the convening for the year 2021, within the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.

Intelligent Tourist Destinations

Order ICT/1528/2021, of 30 december, on certain databases

Order ICT/1527/2021, of 30 december,by approving the regulatory basis for the aid programme for the digital transformation and modernization of local entities that make up the network of Tourist Destinations, Intelligent and call for the year 2021, within the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.

Digitization projects “ last mile ’

Access to all information on theAid for digitization projects of last mile

Order ICT/1519/2021, of 30 decemberwas promulgated, approving the regulatory basis for digitization projects “ last mile ’ in tourism companies and call for the year 2021, within the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.
