Legal notice

General conditions of use of the portal of the ministry of industry and tourism

The ministry of industry and tourism informs you that access and use of web page and all sub-domains and directories under the same, as well as services or contents that through it could obtain and all portals of title under Ministry, are subject to the terms of which are set out in this Legal notice, without prejudice to that access to any of these services or contents could specify the General conditions additional details.

Thus, if any in-depth considerations in this Legal notice are not of their agreement, please do not make use of the Portal, as any use of the same or of the services and contents included in it will involve the acceptance of terms contained in this text.

The ministry of industry and tourism reserves the right to make changes in the Portal and in all the websites of the holder that is without prior notice, in order to update, correct, modify, add or remove the contents of the website or its design. The contents or services offered by portals are updated regularly. Due to the updating of the information is not immediately, we suggest you always check the validity and accuracy of information, services and contents set out in the same.

The terms and conditions contained herein may vary, so we invite you to review these terms when you visit again the Portal. The ministry of Industry and tourism is not responsible for damage caused by the use of tools and information and all websites to which it is incumbent, in connection with the adoption of decisions on the initiation, development or as a result of administrative procedures. Such decisions must be sustained in the centres, agencies or departments.

In any case, information and content of this site may not be cited contradictory processes with the public administration, not taking responsibility for any discrepancies that might exist between the printed documents by the competent authority and the electronic publication on these pages.

Intellectual and industrial property

Both the design of the Portal of the ministry and the websites of its title and source codes, such as logos, marks and other distinctive signs apearing in the same, belong to the ministry of industry and tourism or partners and are protected by the corresponding intellectual and industrial property. Equally are protected by the corresponding intellectual images and other content included on the server of the ministry of Industry and tourism.

Use, reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other similar or similar activity is prohibited, except in cases of express authorization of the ministry of industry and tourism. The license to use any content on the Portal attached to the user is limited to the discharge by the user of such content and the private use of it, provided that the above-mentioned contents remain Integral.

The ministry of industry and tourism declares its respect for intellectual and industrial property rights of others; therefore, if it considers that this site may be violating their rights, please contact the ministry of industry and tourism through this form.

Rules relating to the protection of personal data

The personal data that the ministry of industry and tourism seeks are treated confidentially in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the european parliament and of the council of 27 april 2016 concerning protection of individuals with regard to the treatment of personal data and the free movement of such data (Reglamento general de protección de datos) and Organic law 3/2018, of 5 december on Personal data protection and guarantee of the digital rights.

Rights of the persons concerned

Any person has the right to obtain confirmation on the processing of personal data on the part of the ministry of industry and tourism.

The person concerned may exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion and portability of your data, limitation and opposition to their treatment, as well as to non-decisions solely in the automated treatment of your data, where appropriate, with the ministry of industry and tourism, through the postal address Paseo de la Castellana 160 - 28071 - Madrid, or in the email address

The detainee can exercise their right to lodge a complaint to the spanish data protection agency, in the address: C/Jorge Juan 6, 28001 Madrid, through the following link. As a matter before the submission of this complaint, please refer to the Delegate of Data protection, in accordance with article 37.1 of the organic law 3/2018.

Delegate of data protection (DPD)

In the ministry of industry and tourism, the functions of the delegate of data protection (DPD), including their self-government authorities, Office seconded spanish patents and trademarks (OEPM), Center for spanish Metrology (CEM) and institute of tourism of Spain (TURESPAÑA), have been taken up by Miguel Angel Recio Crespo, attached to the under-secretary of the ministry of industry and tourism Appointment [PDF] [456 kB] Open this document with ReadSpeaker docReader

Opening of national treatment of personal data

More information can be extended in the Opening of national treatment of personal data.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

The law applicable in the event of a dispute or conflict of interpretation of terms that make up this Legal Notice, as well as any issue related to the services of this Portal, is spanish law. For the resolution of any conflict that may arise during the visit to the Portal or the use of the services that it can offer, the ministry of Industry and tourism and the user agree to be bound by the courts of the user's home, provided that the same is located in spanish territory.

Policy Requirements electronic certificates.

In order to gain access to services and procedures of the ministry of industry and tourism through electronic certificate must prove their identity and, where required, electronically sign written submissions. For these purposes, will be accepted digital certificates admitted by the General state administration.

Links or hyperlinks

The ministry of industry and tourism allows him access to other websites which you may find of interest. Those links are Only provide may interest you. However, those web sites do not belong to it, nor does a review of its content and, therefore, it could not be responsible for them, the functioning of the linked page or possible damages that may derive from access or use of the same.

Users who intend to establish a hyperlink to the website of the ministry of industry and tourism or any of the websites of its title should take into account the following:

  • The establishment of the hyperlink does not mean in any case the existence of relations between the ministry of industry and tourism and the owner of the website which provides, or the acceptance and approval by the same from its content or services.
  • It must not declare or imply that the ministry has expressly authorised the hyperlink, nor that it has supervised or assumed in any way the services offered or made available on the website that establishes the hyperlink.
  • The Ministry is in no way responsible nor guarantees the quality, accuracy, reliability, accuracy or morality of contents or services that the establishment of the hyperlink can offer.
  • The user or the user assume sole responsibility under its consequences, damage or actions that might result from access to the website of the hyperlink.
  • The web page where the hyperlink is established may not contain any brand name, logo, slogan or other distinctive signs belonging to the ministry of industry and tourism except those signs that form part of the hyperlink.
  • The web page where the hyperlink is established shall not contain information with illegal content, contrary to morality and decency generally accepted, as well as content will also be contrary to any rights of third parties


The ministry of industry and tourism expressly prohibits the realization of "frammings" or use by third parties of any other mechanisms that alter the design, original configuration or contents of your website or sites under its ownership.

Measures of protection against abuse or automated (robotized)

The ministry of industry and tourism reserves the right to make technical changes in the Portal and in all the websites of the holder that is without prior notice, with the purpose of preserving the availability of the same any abusive use manuals robotic or access.

Multi-language version

The web site of the ministry of industry and tourism is translated into several languages spanish records in their respective territories, in accordance with article 3 of the 1978 constitution and Statutes of autonomy. Language is catalan, basque and galician. It is also translated into a foreign language.

The content of the portal is translated into different levels deep. Excludes some of the translation channel Press office given the immediacy of the changes planned in the same, as well as legal norms.

It should be pointed out that, with a general nature, cannot be a gap between the spanish version and in the other languages, arising from the translation process.

Usage statistics

The ministry of industry and tourism, reported the use of Google Analytics in this website and the portals of ownership of the ministry of industry and tourism, statistical exclusively.