Prepared for the Brexit

The end of the transitional period, Brexit

The Withdrawal of the united kingdom, which entered into force on 1 february 2008, provided for 2020, a transitional period, until 31 december 2020; period in which the european union legislation, including for the free movement of goods, services, persons and workers still applies to the united kingdom.

From 1 january, will enter into force the Future Relationship with the united kingdom made up of a trade and cooperation agreement between the european union and EURATOM, of the one hand, and the united kingdom of great Britain and northern ireland, other; an agreement between the government of the united kingdom of great Britain and northern ireland and the european atomic energy community for cooperation on safe and peaceful uses of nuclear energy and an agreement between the european union and the united kingdom of great Britain and northern ireland in relation to the security procedures for the exchange and protection of classified information. The first of the above agreements will be fixed how trade relations between the two Parties.

In response to the main issues on the impact that the Brexit may take into spanish citizens, the administrative information telephone 060 and websitePresidency of the Government

In addition, the european commission has created the followingwebsitealso, where you can access relevant content on this matter.

For more information can be provided by telephone to:

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