All press releases
Tourism | 9/12/2024
The Wine Routes Project has received more than €2.4 million in its various editions, with around €300,000 going to Castile-La Mancha. Between January and July of this year, Castile-La Mancha welcomed over 2.7 million tourists from other regions of Spain and more than 140,000 international tourists, who so far this year have spent around €190 million in the region. The boom of inland tourism in Castile-La Mancha is also reflected in increased employment. According to the latest social security affiliation data, more than 75,000 people are employed in work related to the tourism industry.
Tourism | 9/10/2024
Vehicles manufactured or registered for the first time at least 30 years ago will be considered historic. Also those included in the General Inventory of Spanish Historic Heritage Assets, declared of cultural interest or those with a special interest. The new regulation, which will enter into force on 1 October, urges councils to establish formulas in their municipal bylaws to allow this type of vehicles to circulate. Historic vehicles we be used occasionally and never as a daily means of transport to minimise their environmental impact.
Industry | 9/10/2024
They are the applications from Renault España, Idneo Technologies, Dana Automoción, Cebi Electromechanical Components Spain, Doga, Wall Box Chargers and Alcorta Forging Group. On the closing date of the edition, 138 applications had been received with a joint budget of over €2.7 billion.
Industry | 9/6/2024
The minister has highlighted the importance of the industrial location and large quality tourism space that the Campo de Gibraltar represents. Cepsa executives have shown the progress of the various projects in which it is moving forward with the aim of decarbonising its activity; ones concerning other industrial sectors as well as those linked to transport and tourism. The Ministry of Industry and Tourism has already opened the window as of yesterday until next 26 September to request aid for line 4 of the Industrial Decarbonisation Perte, endowed with 140 million euros. Campo de Gibraltar is one of the most dynamic and important industrial centres in Spain, in job creation as well as in investment and gross added value.
Industry | 9/5/2024
Hereu stresses the renewal of the textile industry and momentum of circularity and sustainability as a basis for production
Hereu reminded textile industry representatives that the Ministry of Industry has an instrument to support businesses in their energy transition -the decarbonisation PERTE- with several lines still open and to be opened. The sector has received help from the Circular Economy PERTE to improve the sustainability, competitiveness and innovation of textile and footwear manufacturing processes. Spain’s fashion industry employs 130,000 workers, represents 2.8% of national GDP and has a turnover of around €15 billion each year.
Industry | 9/3/2024
The project foresees investments by Cobra of €742 million, and is estimated to have an impact on employment of around more than 500 direct jobs, and more than 600 indirect jobs.
The Minister of Industry and Tourism, Jordi Hereu, has made an assessment of the different PERTEs that are managed by his department, with a special focus on the automotive industry and the decarbonisation of production processes.
Industry | 8/30/2024
This second edition of the Agro PERtE will promote digital transformation and sustainability, with a new line of direct support to investments for SMEs. The period for submitting applications will begin on 19 September and end on 21 October 2024. This Friday, Jordi Hereu has visited the production plant of meat company Noel Alimentaria, in Girona.
Industry | 8/29/2024
The Minister of Industry and Tourism and the Minister of Business and Labor held their first working meeting to address the challenges facing the industrial and tourism sectors Jordi Hereu assured the Minister of the Government's support for the modernisation of Catalonia's industrial sector and the launch of new industrial projects
Tourism | 8/28/2024
It’s the fourth popular celebration in the autonomous community of Extremadura to receive this recognition, joining Holy Week in Cáceres, Holy Week in Mérida and the Carnival of Badajoz This honour recognises the event’s ability to transform autumn into a celebration of nature, with strong tourism potential and territorial cohesion, as well as being deeply rooted in the region's cultural and heritage elements
Tourism | 8/19/2024
July saw remarkable growth in arrivals to some Autonomous Communities in the north, such as the Basque Country and Asturias, and the lowest year on year increase in the Balearic and Canary Islands, figures that show a trend towards greater diversification of destinations. More than half of all international air travellers (56.6%) were from the European Union.
Tourism | 8/14/2024
The Resolution also includes the awarding of contracts for the execution of improvement, restoration and enhancement works at the Úbeda, La Granja, Ronda and Lorca paradores. The deadline for completing the works varies in each parador, ranging between 8 months for the Parador de La Granja and 19 months for the Parador de Santiago, starting from the signing of the corresponding contracts. These actions fall within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR) of the Spanish Government, through the Ministry of Industry and Tourism, financed with Next Generation European funds
Tourism | 8/8/2024
For the second quarter of 2024, there are 101,008 more employees in tourism activities than in the same quarter for 2023 Salaried employees in the tourism sector with permanent contracts have increased by 8.4%, the twelfth consecutive increase The temporary employment rate in the tourism sector was 16.1%, lower than that of the second quarter of 2023, which was 19.6%
Industry | 8/7/2024
Of the 140 million euros in aid to be awarded in this call, 90 million euros will be distributed in the form of subsidies and another 50 million euros in the form of loans. By opening up this new line of aid, the Ministry of Industry and Tourism is advancing in its commitment to strengthening the industrial decarbonisation of our production system. In July, €97.5M were proposed as subsidies for 14 comprehensive action projects to decarbonise the manufacturing industry. This aid is part of line 1 of the Decarbonisation PERTE.
Tourism | 8/2/2024
Spain has received more than 42 million international travellers during the first half of 2024, 13.3% more than in the same period last year. Each visitor spent an average of 1,329 euros in June, 4% more than in 2023, and spending per day also had a rise of 1.9%, reaching 196 euros There is a significant increase in visitors from the 'rest of the world', which grew by 25.8% in the first six months, this exemplifying the fact that the ministry's policies aimed at diversifying source markets are being successful.
Tourism | 7/31/2024
The city in Extremadura will take over from Tenerife, which will host the 4th Convention from 1 to 3 October, in La Pirámide de Arona The next meeting be held in early October 2025, a key moment in the beginning of the operational planning for the Tourism Ministries abroad
Tourism | 7/31/2024
Comparing the number of seats in august with the same month of 2023, continued its good behaviour of the major broadcasting markets: United Kingdom (+ 7.7%), Germany (+ 8.5%), Italy (+ 13.1%) and France (9.4 per cent).
Industry | 7/29/2024
The Centre just presented its Annual Report for the past year, where it details the over one thousand calibrations it performed. Service to Spanish society, industry and science is the linchpin of its activity and the basis for future development.
Industry | 7/26/2024
This new call includes more flexible training at a national level with formats better suited to the needs of the recipients: 50-hour programmes, virtual modality, and with greater diversity in study topics.
The EOI Foundation is in charge of managing the investment planned for this initiative, which initially amounts to 50.7 million euros in this call, this amount originating from the Recovery Plan funds.
Industry | 7/25/2024
In total, these investments would avoid the emission of 572,000 tonnes of CO2 per year, equivalent to 10% of the emissions of the applicant companies. Cemex Alcanar (Tarragona) has obtained 3 million euros in subsidies to improve its energy efficiency and increase the rate of alternative fuels in the combustion of the kiln. For the government, the main challenge for the cement industry is its decarbonisation and its commitment to the circular economy and digitalisation.
Tourism | 7/23/2024
• UGT and CCOO presented the “Fair and responsible hotel work” initiative, driven by both unions in collaboration with the University of Malaga and the State Secretariat for Tourism, to promote sustainable development and quality employment in the tourism sector.
Tourism | 7/23/2024
The inscriptions for courses on 5 september, are already open and can be formalized through the web page Tourism-training This edition will feature more than 65 different formations in nearly 450 hours On 28 june edition concluded 24, with more than 3,100 certificates
Tourism | 7/22/2024
Turespaña is carrying out actions to improve, recover and restore 39 Paradors declared of Cultural Interest, with an investment of 89 million euros with European funds. For the Minister Jordi Hereu, ‘Paradores is an instrument that helps us to decentralise tourist flows, deconcentrate destinations, diversify products and digitalise experiences’.
Industry | 7/19/2024
These agreements will allow students enrolled at the two universities to continue to carry out internships at the Ministry It consolidates the relationship between the University and the Ministry, renewing agreements signed in 2021
Tourism | 7/18/2024
Employment in the tourism sector increased by 5% compared to one year ago and grew to 2,903,571 registered workers in June Registered workers in tourism activities accounted for 13.6% of all registered workers in the national economy By Autonomous Community, the year on year increases in the Canary Islands (6.1%), the Community of Madrid (5.8%) and Andalusia (5.2%) stand out
Industry | 7/16/2024
In total, 97.5 million euros worth of subsidies have been definitively awarded. The allegations of Gestamp Vigo (Pontevedra) and Cementos Tudela Veguín (León) have been considered.
Industry | 7/15/2024
The minister Jordi Hereu has indicated that the catalan tourism received 282 million euros of european funds and industry, a total of 460 million different LOSS that manages the ministry. The convening of Intelligent Tourist Destinations, with 96 million, has received 250 projects.
Industry | 7/12/2024
Will enable the realization of the ministry for students enrolled in each of them Initiative strengthens the interaction between the university and the ministry to rejuvenate agreements signed in 2021
Industry | 7/12/2024
Ametller Origen is included in the Agrosmed project, the business alliance promoted by fourteen companies with the aim of obtaining aid from the Agri-food PERTE. The group of companies has received 9 million euros from the first call of the Agro PERTE, of which 4.7 has been awarded to Ametller Origen. With this PERTE the Ministry of Industry and Tourism is aiming to create quality employment in the food and agriculture sector, especially in rural areas, where the agrifood business fabric has a larger presence.
Tourism | 7/11/2024
During the months of June, July, August and September, 41 million international tourists are expected to arrive in our country, 13% more than in the same period for 2023. Jordi Hereu: “The increase in spending, which is above the number of visitors, reiterates the leadership of the tourism model and encourages us to continue working on the strategy for sustainable and inclusive tourism that contributes to the preservation of destinations as well as the improvement of quality of life of workers and residents” A total of 327 projects are beneficiaries of nearly 70 million euros from the second call for “Last Mile” aid, focused on promoting tourist SME digitalisation
Industry | 7/10/2024
The minister has advanced the publication of three new favourable provisional resolution proposals for line 1 of the Industrial Decarbonisation PERTE that represent 16.1 million in aid. These are requests from GC, ARCELORMITAL ESPAÑA and ABN PIPE SYSTEMS. Since 2019, the Government has allocated close to 900 million euros to offset CO2 emission costs, rising from 6 million euros called for in 2018 to 244 in recent years, 2022 and 2023..
Tourism | 7/5/2024
The selected projects take into account the characteristics of the destination as well as their viability and quality, and destinations at risk of depopulation have been assessed in order to boost their tourism potential and to strengthen social and territorial cohesion. Jordi Hereu highlights that the purpose of this aid is to boost cultural tourism through projects of maintenance and rehabilitation of historical heritage that clearly reflect the improvement of the touristic use of these assets. The Minister of Industry and Tourism has presented the new Parador of Molina de Aragón (Guadalajara) to the Chairwoman of Paradores, this parador being expected to open in September.
Industry | 7/4/2024
The PERTE Chip aims to strengthen the design and production capabilities of the microelectronics and semiconductor industry in Spain from a comprehensive perspective. KDPOF has obtained 26,82 million euros when first soliciting the LOSS of Chip that manages the ministry of industry and tourism. With this aid will become a pioneer company in Spain on packaging and tested microchips.
Industry | 7/3/2024
The Minister of Industry has also announced that the verification commission has resolved the allegations of several companies that had submitted their projects to the PERTE VEC II value chain line. The financing of the projects has been increased by 115 million euros in total
Tourism | 7/3/2024
International tourist expenditure grows by 21.8% until May and exceeds 43.2 billion euros
Spain received 33 million international travellers in the first five months of 2024, 13.6% more than in the same period last year Each visitor spent an average of 1,263 euros in May, 7.3% more than last year, and spending per day also shows this growth, reaching 204 euros, with a 8.6% year on year increase Jordi Hereu: “What's most noteworthy is the increase in average spending per visitor, which is growing above inflation and contributes to the modernisation, sustainability and quality of employment in the sector”
Industry | 7/1/2024
The Fertiberia plant in Avilés stands out among the beneficiaries, with a proposed subsidy of 60.8 million euros. Other notable companies are Saint Gobain Isover Ibérica in Azuqueca de Henares, with 13.2 million euros and Azucarera Ibérica, which has obtained 11.5 million euros for its installation in Toro With these new provisional resolutions, up to now, the Industrial Decarbonisation PERTE has already benefited 27 tractor projects (59 primary projects) with a total of 219 million euros in direct subsidies, which represents an emissions reduction of 711,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year. At present, the Ministry of industry and Tourism has registered a total of 117 clusters which bring together 12,000 companies.
Tourism | 6/28/2024
Comparing the forecasts for the number of seats in July with the information recorded on the equivalent date of 2023, the good performance of the main issuing markets continues : United Kingdom (+5.4%), Germany (+7.4%), Italy (+14.5%) and France (8.4%). Hereu: “This increase in planned seats on international flights compared to last year predicts a very positive summer season for the sector.”
Industry | 6/27/2024
The Minister of Industry and Tourism has referred to the extension of the Moves III Plan, the support for the gas-intensive industry and the 300 million euros to offset CO2 costs of the electro-intensive industry. In regard to ENISAJordi Hereu highlighted the startup certification process and the 9,000 participatory loans that it has granted to almost 8,000 small and medium-sized companies for a volume of approximately 1.4 billion euros. He also addressed the challenge in the tourism sector: to govern in terms of sustainability, distributing the benefits at a social level. To promote Spain through the concept of higher quality.
Tourism | 6/25/2024
To date, Muñoz Llabrés has acted as Assistant Director-General for the development and sustainability of tourism in the State Secretariat for Tourism To ensure coordination and collaboration between administrations, agents and the sector to comply with the European Commission regarding the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan and to consolidate a triple sustainable tourism model are the priority objectives of the Director-General
Industry | 6/25/2024
Since 2019, the Government has allocated close to 900 million euros to compensate for the costs of C02 emissions.
This aid shows the Government's commitment to the electro-intensive industrial sectors and enables them to improve their competitiveness, as well as boosting their industrial capacities and employment.
TheECallows each Member State to offset the indirect costs of industries in certain sectors that are considered to be exposed to a significant risk of “carbon leakage” due to costs related to greenhouse gas emissions which affect electricity prices
Tourism | 6/25/2024
SEGITTURwill work with the city of Quito, the capital and largest city in the country, in its conversion into a smart tourist destination. Working with the STD methodology will provide a number of benefits, including the improvement of tourist experience, the increased interaction among tourists and residents, the cross-sectional use of tourism, sustainability management improvement, as well as the creation of new synergies
Industry | 6/20/2024
The Minister of Industry and Tourism meets with the employers' association of the Spanish chemical sector, FEIQUE. To strengthen the transformation of the industry, the Government will promote the new Industry and Strategic Autonomy Act. The chemical industry, made up of more than 3,000 companies, is one of the largest and most consolidated industrial sectors in Spain.
Industry | 6/20/2024
Hereu expressed his intention during the meeting to deepen public-private collaboration with the objective of achieving climate neutrality. To achieve this, the minister reminded him that the Decarbonisation PERTE, endowed with 3.1 billion euros, is afoot. On 28 May, the provisional approval of the first 19 projects of line 1 of this PERTE was announced; among them, that of Cementos Tudela Veguín de León, with 3.7 million in aid, as well as that of two Cemex Spain plants , in Zaragoza and Guadalajara respectively, which have obtained a total of 5.8 million euros in aid
Industry | 6/19/2024
The objective is to accompany those investment projects with a special driving effect for industrial facilities that can use the best decarbonisation technology in their sectors. With the call for this new line of aid, the Ministry of Industry and Tourism advances its commitment to promoting industrial decarbonisation. The provisional approval of the first 19 projects of line 1 of PERTE Decarbonisation worth 96 million euros was made public recently. For the last five years, the Government has supported the electro-intensive and gas-intensive sector with 1,470 million euros, including aid for CO2, the charge compensation programme for electro-intensive consumers, as well as aid for the increase in natural gas prices in 2023.
Tourism | 6/18/2024
Spain receives 38.7 million passengers in the first five months of 2024, 13.6% more than in the same period of 2023. In May, the strong growth of far off markets such as China, Canada and Chile were a particular highlight, with increases of more than 35%. Minister Hereu positively values ??“the notable increase in market diversification, which has turned Spain into a leading destination that goes beyond the European sphere to increasingly be a reference for travellers from all over the globe.”
Tourism | 6/17/2024
Social Security affiliates in tourism accounted for 13.6% of the total affiliates in the national economy in May. Affiliates linked to tourism activities increased in absolute terms by 138,316 registered workers. Among the Autonomous Communities, the interannual increases of Andalusia and the Canary Islands stand out, both growing by 5.7%, as well as the Community of Madrid, which had an increase of 5%.
Tourism | 6/12/2024
The Minister of Industry and Tourism defends “the need to govern tourism so that it generates wealth and social well-being, as well as being compatible at the same time with coexistence in cities”” Hereu has listed the Government's policies on tourism in Congress and has recalled that "tourism in Spain has been a success story that must be preserved, while continuing to work on it at in order to lead its transformation." The minister has recalled that a digital platform is being completed which will enable Autonomous Communities to detect unauthorised tourist accommodation, in order to carry out improved market regulation.
Industry | 6/11/2024
Until now, Rodríguez has served as head of the support unit for the OEPM Management, as well as being Spain's representative before the World Industrial Property Organisation. “We will continue to move towards a more people-focused, sustainable, digital, innovative, transparent and effective OEPM,” she stated.
Tourism | 6/11/2024
Jordi Hereu, Minister of Industry and Tourism, opened the meeting of the UN Tourism Executive Council in Barcelona together with the mayor of the city, Jaume Collboni, and the Secretary General of UN Tourism, Zurab Pololikashvili. The Government is completing a tool that organises the tourism offer at a national level and responds to citizens' demands regarding coexistence between residents and tourists. The minister has called for everyone to work together – public administrations, UNTourism and the private sector – to create a more humane, sustainable and quality tourism model.
Industry | 6/10/2024
Of the €96 million, €33 million will be allocated to councils, inter-island councils and island councils, €57 million to other local organisations, and €6 million to single-province autonomous communities.
Jordi Hereu: "Spain must lead the triple transformation of the tourism model: social, economic and environmental".
Among the new features is the opportunity for single-province autonomous communities to apply for grants, as well as the extension of the project implementation deadline until June 2026.
Industry | 6/10/2024
This time, the allocation process will follow a simple application procedure, ensuring faster disbursement of funds. The aid will be directed towards individual projects. The aim of this new line of aid is to continue to support the transformation, sustainability and modernisation of the industry in this sector. The first edition of PERTE Agro allocated 182 million euros, reaching more than 286 primary projects from 224 companies, with initiatives in 14 autonomous communities.
Tourism | 6/6/2024
The project execution deadline is extended until June 2026. Single-province autonomous communities may apply for grants up to €6 million.
Tourism | 6/4/2024
The aim is to make the requirements more flexible in order to contribute to greater and improved implementation of the goals pursued by subsidies.
The Ministry | 6/4/2024
The events are part of an initiative promoted by the Alliance for Open Government (Open Gov Week).The aim is to bring the administration closer to the citizen, based on five principles: transparency, accountability, citizen participation, public integrity and collaboration.
Tourism | 6/3/2024
The arrival of tourists to Spain has exceeded 7.8 million this April, 8.3% more than in the same month last year and monthly spending rises to 9,565 million euros (+13.1%) In regard to the accumulated values of the first four months, the number of tourists is close to 24 million, 14.5% more than a year ago Each tourist spent an average of 1,221 euros in April, 4.4% more than in 2023, and the average spending per day also reflects this increase, reaching 183 euros, an increase of 5.4% year-on-year In the first four months, the communities with the highest accumulated spending were the Canary Islands (8,182 million euros), Catalonia (5,456 million) and Andalusia (4,809 million) Hereu: “The results of the first quarter, the best in the historical series since we have official records, speak of a tourism that revolves around quality as the aspect which makes a difference, with spending at the destination that symbolises the growing involvement of international tourists with a range of modern offers focused on sustainability”
Industry | 5/31/2024
These aids are key to the industrial sector because it improves its competitiveness and reinforces their industrial capacities and employment. The minister has in the economic weight of Tarragona in catalonia as a whole, remain a central pillar of the industry in Spain. Jordi Hereu finished stressing good performance in tourism and has had an impact on the challenge of managing the success to continue to be leaders in this sector
The Ministry | 5/31/2024
Guided visit to the central database on 6 june to 11 a.m.
Tourism | 5/31/2024
Comparing the number of seats in june with the data recorded to date equivalent of 2023, continued its good behaviour of the major broadcasting markets: united kingdom (+ 7.8 per cent), germany (+ 7.9 per cent) and italy (+ 16.2 per cent). Hereu: “Seats provided for in international flights are a fundamental reference point to know how to behave tourism in high season, and projections for june, which significantly improve the last year, we suggest a special summer for the sector”.
Tourism | 5/30/2024
97% of international tourists who visited Spain in 2023 were “satisfied or very satisfied” with their trip Spain reaches a global destination rating of 4.62 out of 5, exceeding the 2022 survey rating The countries with the highest level of satisfaction in 2023 have been the United Kingdom, the Ibero-American region, Poland and the United States For Jordi Hereu, the conclusions of the International Tourist Satisfaction Survey accurately reflect Spain's leadership as a sustainable, safe and excellent global destination.
Industry | 5/29/2024
This is a critical list of products and the capacities of national production, which could be mobilized quickly to crisis situations to meet a demand high and unexpected.
Industry | 5/28/2024
The projects are those of the companies, ACOR BIOTERMICA VILLANUEVA, meat and vegetables, IRAQI CEMENT VEGUÍN TUDELA, CEMEX (2), beer MAHOU, CITRICOS OF EDERFIL ANDARAX, BECKER KOOP, ENCE, ENSO ESCO (2), FERROGLOBE SPAIN METALS, GESTAMP (2), industries PELETERAS RESONAC GRAPHITE, SPAIN, SOLVAY QUÍMICA and ZUKAN. The resolutions adopted will involve an investment of over $307 million euros.
Industry | 5/24/2024
This call for aid is aimed at encouraging investment in industrial production capacity of batteries for electric vehicles, their essential components as well as the production or recovery of necessary fundamental raw materials. In order to qualify for this aid, a deadline for submitting applications will begin on 17 June. It is expected that in the coming weeks the PERTE VECIII value chain will be convened, endowed with 200 million euros. In total, the third edition of the PERTE for electric and connected vehicles will have 500 million euros at its disposal.
Industry | 5/23/2024
The Minister of Industry and Tourism recalled that 7 companies from Aragon have presented themselves in the call for line 1 of the PERTE for Decarbonisation. The Government has allocated more than 109 million euros to Aragonese industries in aid for electro-intensive consumers.
Industry | 5/21/2024
The Minister of Industry and Tourism has reiterated the Government's commitment to decarbonisation as well as to the commitment to the electrification of mobility Industry will call for more than 1,700 billion euros between the third and fourth calls of the PERTE VEC, which the automobile sector will be able to opt for in order to achieve the goal of connected and sustainable mobility
Industry | 5/17/2024
Ambos han abordado la situación de Arcelor, y han coincidido en que la planta de reducción directa de mineral de hierro (DRI) que ha anunciado la empresa en Asturias, es un proyecto estratégico y desde el Gobierno se mantiene contacto permanente con la empresa para garantizar su viabilidad. El Ministerio de Industria está en contacto Saint-Gobain para anclar su futuro en España, ya que la multinacional francesa tiene líneas de producción en Asturias y en Cataluña. El objetivo del Gobierno es garantizar el mínimo impacto social para la plantilla. Se han presentado 11 proyectos asturianos a la primera convocatoria del PERTE de Descarbonización con una inversión total de más de 500 millones de euros. Estos proyectos conseguirían una reducción de emisiones de más de 1 millón de toneladas de CO2.
Tourism | 5/16/2024
Social Security affiliates in tourism accounted for 13.3% of the total affiliates in the national economy in April. Members linked to tourism activities increased by 84,591 in the month of April, reaching 2,805,487 employed workers. The Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands are the Autonomous Communities that experienced the greatest increase in relative terms: 5.5% and 4.7% more, respectively. In absolute variation, the greatest increase occurred in the Community of Madrid.
Industry | 5/14/2024
These are projects that take place companies Semidynamics (38,58 million euros), and KDPOF (26,82 million euros), which will be a total investment of eur 124 million. Subsidies will allow these two spanish companies to participate in the ‘ Important Project of common interest ’ of Microelectronics and communication technologies (IPCEI ME-TC). In the IPCEI are 14 states that will bring up to €8.1 billion of public financing for development of 68 individual projects carried out by 56 companies.
Industry | 5/10/2024
Among the beneficiaries, stresses the Stellantis Vigo, who has obtained 29.2 million euros. Another company worthy of note is that it has obtained Gestamp 34.1 million euros distributed in different plants in spain. To date of closure of the convening, on 15 september, have received a total of 138 applications with a budget set of more than eur 2.7 billion, requesting 1.211 billion from loans and grants.
Tourism | 5/9/2024
This distinction evaluates nine thematic areas among which sustainability is a standout in its triple aspect: environmental, economic and social
Tourism | 5/9/2024
For this first quarter of 2024, there are 197,630 more employees in tourism activities than in the same quarter for 2023 24.8% of the new jobs generated in our country are related to tourism-linked activities Salaried employees in the tourism sector with permanent contracts have increased by 10.7%, the eleventh consecutive increase The temporary employment rate in the tourism sector was 14.7%, lower than that of the first quarter of last year, which was 16.9%.
Industry | 5/8/2024
Next week, Industry will launch the third PERTE VEC call for the battery line with an allocation of €300 million. The minister stated that the Government will approve the new Industry and Strategic Autonomy Act this coming July. Tourism employment figures in the Working Population Survey for the first quarter of the year indicate that there were almost 200,000 more employees in the tourism sector than last year.
Industry | 5/7/2024
The deadline for the nomination expires on 18 june at 18:00 hours. The awards are convened in two modes: a large private enterprises and Smes.
Tourism | 5/6/2024
Jordi Hereu: "With her incorporation into our team, we'll keep pushing for the sustainable transformation of the sector, doubling down on Spain's leadership in tourism." Rosario Sánchez Grau served as the Government Delegate in the Balearic Islands and as the Minister of Finance and Foreign Relations for the Government of the Balearic Islands during the 2019-2023 term.
Industry | 5/3/2024
The company leridana of healthy food has obtained 4.3 million euros in the first call for the Loss. The minister of industry and tourism recalls that Lleida is one of the epicentres of the food industry, a strategic industry is undergoing transformation, which caused through.
Tourism | 5/3/2024
The influx of tourists to Spain over 6 million in march, 21 per cent more than the same month last year, and expenditure amounts to 8.652 million euros in the same month Every tourist spent an average of €1,363 in march, 7.3 per cent more than in 2023, and spending a day also reflects this increase, reaching 180 euros, an increase of 5.4% Hereu: “The first quarter of the year, traditionally designed as the low season, has proved to be the best of our history, with a surge in destination spending international tourists expresses climate of tourist model”.
Industry | 4/30/2024
On a yearly basis, the observatory will prepare a report on the status of payment periods which will be presented and approved in the state council for Smes. It is estimated that the rule will have a positive impact on the economy and especially in smes, as well as on competition. The number of companies affected by the rule is estimated at 32,500.
Tourism | 4/30/2024
Comparing the number of seats in may with the data recorded to date equivalent of 2023, continued its good behaviour of the major broadcasting markets: united kingdom (+ 8%), germany (+ 13.7 per cent) and italy (+ 13.5 per cent).
Hereu: “the statistics planned for may seats gives us a hint of very important how this will entail the international tourism fair in the official launch of the high season, with a substantial increase in air traffic, which for this very month presents values still better than in 2023”.
Industry | 4/29/2024
For the State Secretary for Industry, the future of the Spanish economy involves strengthening the industrial fabric, accelerating the energy transition, the decarbonising processes, going for digitalisation and promoting our strategic autonomy.
Rebeca Torró assures that the 8 billion euro budget managed by her department to reindustrialise Spain "will be distributed to strategic and transformative sectors, seeking a balance between social and territorial cohesion as well as the industrial reality of this country."
Rebeca Torró emphasises that “the efficient management of European funds provides us with the opportunity to increase the competitiveness of our productive sectors as well as to lead the fourth industrial revolution”
Tourism | 4/29/2024
Turespaña publishes the Summer Trend Reports of the main 25 markets that send tourism to Spain with data and analysis that anticipate the tourism trends of these markets Hereu: “Trends for summer invite optimism, while trying to avoid complacency. After a great winter season, not a low one, we hope to complete a second half of the year that equals and even exceeds that of 2023.” The indicators for the main tourist issuing markets such as the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Italy are showing signs of a good performance for the summer months. The increase in Spain-China connectivity for the 2024 summer season, +49.8%, is the most significant growth among competing destinations
Industry | 4/26/2024
This company is one of the 17 firms selected by Europe to guarantee essential drugs. Among the facilities that the minister has visited, the new injectables plant is a particular standout for being one of the most advanced in Europe regarding pharmaceutical production.
Industry | 4/25/2024
The ministry of industry and tourism has made available to the projects presented at the two calls of the LOSS VEC almost eur 1.7 million, of which eur 270 million went to projects related to the heavy vehicle. Hereu has reiterated the government's commitment to the decarbonisation and support for the electrification of the carriage of goods by road. After two years of implementation of the Plan Moves of Heavy Vehicle were 6 electric trucks to enrol in 2019 to 302 vehicles last year.
Industry | 4/24/2024
The minister stresses that Spain is committed to specific European financing that ensures the production capacity and distribution of strategic resources. The Alliance will function as a consultative mechanism to determine priorities for action as well as for proposing solutions that will strengthen the supply of medicine in the EU. Spain has been fully committed to creating this partnership and will help boost industrial revitalisation within the EU.
Industry | 4/24/2024
This is a milestone in the history of the entrepreneurship that improves the legal security offered to innovative companies. Borja Cabezón, Managing Director of ENISA: “Having reached this figure in such a short time is a collective success for the image of Spain as a leading country in entrepreneurship.”. This is a pioneering certification process in Europe, which is likewise a simple, fast and free process.
The Ministry | 4/23/2024
The State Secretariat for Industry is created, a historic demand from the industrial sectors, which directly assumes the management of the PERTE for Electric and Connected Vehicles. The PERTE Agro and Naval commissioners remain. In the Tourism area, a new General Directorate of Tourism Policies is created to strengthen management and coordinate actions in the department.
Industry | 4/23/2024
The food industry, the manufacturing of non-metallic mineral products and metallurgy sectors are the sectors that have presented the most projects. Catalonia, the Basque Country, the Valencian Community, Asturias and Andalusia are the communities with the most applications for aid.
Tourism | 4/18/2024
The number of international air passengers is over 7.6 million in the month of March, 16.8% more than a year ago. This month, the notable growth in Poland (80.4%), Germany (22.2%), Switzerland (21.4%) and Italy (21.2%) stands out. Hereu: “The significant growth figures for air passengers in the first quarter, which include Easter, are a symptom not only of the good health of our tourism, but also of the unstoppable process of deseasonalisation of arrival flows and the end of the distinction between low season and high season that have been historically a main characteristic of this industry”.
Tourism | 4/17/2024
Social Security contributors in tourism accounted for 13.1% of the total contributors in the national economy in March. Salaried workers in the tourism sector increased by 7.1% this March, now representing 81.8% of the total. Balearic Islands once again experienced the largest relative increase among autonomous communities, with a 10.5% rise.
Tourism | 4/16/2024
This is the ninth popular celebration to receive this recognition in the autonomous community of Galicia.
Tourism | 4/16/2024
Sánchez Grau has held the position of Government Delegate in the Balearic Islands, and during the 2019-2023 legislative term, she was Minister of Finance and Foreign Relations for the Government of the Balearic Islands.
Industry | 4/12/2024
As a novelty of this new call, the criteria will be relaxed to facilitate access to financing for more SMEs.The first call for proposals for the Agro PERTE awarded 182 million euros in grants, of which 5.8 million correspond to eight companies from Castilla-La Mancha.The government attaches absolute importance to the agri-food sector, which works daily to ensure the supply of essential products and food security, promoting reindustrialization in all autonomous communities.
Industry | 4/9/2024
According to the activity report of the naval construction sector in Spain, the order book reached 48 ships by the end of 2023, with a total value of 1.722 billion euros. The Naval PERTE has awarded 81 million euros among 65 projects involving 107 companies.
Industry | 4/9/2024
The aid, funded by the Recovery Plan, will have a limit of 2.5 million euros per year and per company, limited to 50% of the costs eligible for subsidies Spain is the leading producer of canned fish and seafood in the European Union and the second worldwide, with 1.744 billion euros in 2021. The canning industry generates around 26,000 direct jobs in Spain and represents 5.5% of the Spanish food industry.
Tourism | 4/4/2024
The establishment will have 66 rooms and will be number 100 in the Paradores de Turismo network The total investment, between the renovation works and the conditioning works, will amount to more than 27 million euros. With this new opening, the network of Paradores de Turismo will now be present in all the autonomous communities
Industry | 4/4/2024
Minister Jordi Hereu highlights that the Next Generation Funds enable the creation of new and improved industrial policy instruments to lead reindustrialization. The PERTEs (Strategic Projects for Economic Recovery and Transformation) help attract large investment projects to different autonomous communities and progress towards a more balanced economic model with greater social and territorial cohesion. The 123 industrial projects submitted so far to the Decarbonization PERTE propose a reduction of 5.18 million tons of CO2 emissions each year.
Tourism | 4/2/2024
Tourist arrivals in Spain reached 5 million in February, a 15.9% increase compared to the same month last year, with spending amounting to 6.747 billion euros in the same month. Each tourist spent an average of 1,347 euros in February, marking an 8.5% increase compared to 2023, while daily spending also saw a rise, reaching 173 euros, reflecting a 5.8% year-on-year increase. Hereu: “In Spain, the off-peak tourist season is now resembling a period of expansion, indicating the smoothing out of arrival patterns. This has positive implications for tourist spending and employment quality, which are less susceptible to seasonal fluctuations."
Tourism | 3/27/2024
Hereu: “The figures for 2023, both in tourist arrivals and in spending at the destination, have been historic and the forecasts we have also predict a record 2024.” The planned seats on international flights for the month of April reach 10.4 million, 11.4% more than a year ago. Comparing the forecasts for the number of seats in April with the data recorded on the equivalent date of 2023, the good performance of the main issuing markets continues: United Kingdom (+8.4%), Germany (+7.1%) , Italy (+16.9%) and France (+6.4%).
Industry | 3/22/2024
With this new provisionStellantisFigueruelas has obtained 54.4 million euros of funding for 8 projects for the development of innovation processes geared towards the manufacturing of electric vehicles in the area of ??bodywork, technological solutions in painting and assembly. Industry has already granted StellantisFigueruelas a total of 113.5 million euros between both calls. Benteler obtains 341,964 euros for a project linked to the manufacturing of a new axle for electric vehicles. Bosch obtains 1.2 million euros for the development of two projects related to the application of power modules in the manufacturing of parts and components, as well as in research and development processes of prototypes for electric motor components.
The Ministry | 3/21/2024
The European Patent Office (EPO) has published the statistical data corresponding to the Patent Index 2023, which includes the number of European patent applications filed in said office during the past year.
Tourism | 3/21/2024
Catalonia, Madrid and Andalusia are the autonomous communities where the most companies have requested aid 805 projects have been presented for which 152 million euros have been requested
Tourism | 3/18/2024
Between January and February, Spain has welcomed 12.3 million international passengers, registering a significant increase of 15.5% compared to the first two months of 2023. February highlights notable growth from Poland (84.8%), Ireland (27.3%), Switzerland (24.2%), and Italy (21.4%). Hereu stated, "Any growth in absolute figures is good news, and we should add other variables such as the quality of our destinations, increasingly appreciated, which places us at the forefront of international tourists' preferences."
The Ministry | 3/15/2024
Jordi Hereu offers collaboration to autonomous communities (CC.AA.) and City Halls to advance in the reindustrialisation and transformation of Spain's tourism sector.
Of the nearly 4.5 billion euros in grants from the first part of the Recovery Plan in industry and tourism, 56% has already been transferred to autonomous communities and local entities.
The minister announces the transformation of SEPIDES into a State Business Entity to manage the new calls for PERTE under the Addendum in 2024.
For the government, the future model of tourism in Spain revolves around higher quality, reducing seasonality, diversification, and creating more qualified employment in the tourism sector.
Hereu has expressed his willingness to finalize the Sustainable Tourism Strategy 2030, a document that will be discussed in the Spanish Tourism Council.
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